الثلاثاء، 19 أبريل 2016

How do you know you are intelligent

How do you know you are intelligent

How do you know if you are an intelligent person?

This is actually an interesting question once you get past the urge to reply in a sarcastic fashion. I say that it is far less important that you know you are intelligent than the fact that you are. What does that mean?

Intelligent — and I used the word loosely — people strive to become more knowledgeable. They want to learn as much as possible and this is what really drives a person to become ‘more intelligent’. I don’t believe that intelligent people really stop to think about just how intelligent they are, but rather on how much there is still left to learn and understand.

Intelligence is an innate quality in all of us; it is just more developed in some. To summarise my take on the subject, I will leave you with this ... How much knowledge do you possess? Well, how much is there left to learn?

Mohamed, thanks for your A2A.

Written 10 Feb • View Upvotes • Answer requested by Mohamed Yousfi
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Shulamit Widawsky
Shulamit Widawsky, Specialize in giftedness (adults & children). Degree in Psychology.
1.6k Views • Shulamit has 480+ answers in Psychology of Everyday Life
That is a hard question, made harder by the combination of lack of professional agreement (let alone popular agreement) on what it means to be intelligent, along with your lack of defining what you mean by it.

In general, if you notice that you seem to pick up on things before most others, even if you think that the reason they don't is because they are not intelligent, you are probably an intelligent person.

What is a sign of intelligence in one culture or situation may be quite different from another. This is a famous illustration:

"For a fair selection everybody has to take the same exam: Please climb that tree."

I'm not saying that "everyone is gifted in their own way."  A substitute teacher, his first time with a particular class asked the kids, "Who is the smartest student in this room?" Without hesitation, they all pointed to one kid.  Then the substitute teacher asked "Who gets the best grades?"  And in unison, they all pointed to another kid.  All the kids in the class agreed on who was smartest, and who was the best student, and that it was not the same kid.

I got this story from the kid who everyone pointed to saying he was the smartest. And I'm pretty sure he was.  And he definitely was not getting the best grades at that time.

So, if the experts cannot even agree on how to define intelligence, but a classroom full of high school students can all agree on who has the most of it, what is the problem?  And how does that help you answer the question, how do you know if you are an intelligent person?

It is possible that someone could be very intelligent, and not be recognized as such by the people who know them.  But most times, if lots of people you respect make comments about you being intelligent, they are likely correct.

It does not work the other ways around.  If no one tells you that you are intelligent, you might still be.  And if you get teased for being "stupid" or "dumb" that tends to not have any bearing on whether or not you are actually intelligent.  Surprisingly, many of my clients (and I only work with exceptionally intelligent people) were teased with such words.

Sometimes, just one teacher really recognizes the intelligence of a student.  This can happen if the student's personality is very different from most kids, and the teachers miss the intelligence, hiding behind the awkward behavior.  So, if even one teacher tells you that you are really intelligent, they are probably right.

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